It took me a long time to discover what made me feel good when it came to fashion. I often looked to celebrities, social media platforms and magazines for inspiration, but up until the age of around 20, I was still finding my feet with a mismatched wardrobe that didn’t quite feel like my own.
When I finally clicked with my sense of style, discovering the colours and cuts that suit me, or that I feel good in, it became a huge part of my identity. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been a fashion content creator for around four years, sharing my love of dressing up on the internet, with a small but friendly following of around 7,500 people.
Just as I was getting to grips with styling myself, dopamine dressing and power outfits, Covid-19 hit and I went from wearing my favourite midi dresses and vibrant suits to sporting slobs and anything with an elastic waistband as I began to work from home.
READ MORE:Bargain hunters slam £4 dupe of £500 Hermes sandals that 'look like pretzels'
Up until recently, there were clothes in my wardrobe with the tags still on that had been bought for Christmas 2019, left unworn due to a near-empty social calendar. But now, as life slowly returns to normal and the city streets are full once more, Mancunians' favourite outfits can be aired for the world to see again.
It’s got to be said that Mancs have some of the best sense of style around. Walking through the city you’ll see a real melting pot of fashion inspiration, which inspired this new series: Steal Their Style.
Each week I’ll be hitting the streets of Manchester and speaking to some of the best dressed shoppers, residents and workers about their outfits and where they find their inspiration, as well as about how the way they dress makes them