Today's daily horoscopes for each star sign can be found below. These daily forecasts have been compiled by astrologer Russell Grant, who has been reading star signs for more than 50 years.
Your personal standards are of the highest but are you expecting a little too much from others? Try not to be too critical when judging the end product of a task a colleague completes. Take a step back and don’t be too hard on someone who is obviously struggling.
You will be tasked with taking on a workmate’s responsibilities. Stay calm. That initial feeling of panic will fade away once you realise that all you need is a systematic approach and a good dose of common sense. Since you have plenty of both, you are likely to cope really well.
Taking part in a study course or workplace training can boost your chances of advancing. If you’re eager to pursue further training but are unsure about what to do next, have a word with your boss or a senior colleague. They will help you explore the different options that are open to you.
Proving to your colleagues and friends you can be adaptable when needed is key to overcoming challenges in your way. Someone will disagree with your ideas. You won’t let their negativity affect you as your determination to succeed will make it easy for you to push through difficult situations.
Now is a good time to share your thoughts on domestic finances. Don’t hesitate to express all those plans and ideas you’ve been keeping to yourself. Your partner and housemates are taking your suggestions seriously and they will cooperate. Make the most of this.
Make sure important career matters are dealt with promptly. An unexpected opportunity will arise and you will sense the