, it gives us an opportunity to address and reassess the parts of us that we’ve been avoiding.
The November full moon peaks in the sky on November 27 at 4:16 a.m.
ET (1:16 a.m.
This full moon is also deemed the Beaver Moon, as it signifies the time of the year when beavers used to be the most active as they prepared for winter’s colder months.Full moons are often a time for “shedding light” on our shadow parts and giving ourselves the opportunity to release anything that no longer serves us on our pathway forward.
As the full moon will also be ruled by the sign of Gemini, the sign of the twins, it will be full of chatty, curious, and fast-paced energy.
Under this full Beaver Moon in Gemini, we can see the ways in which we are haphazardly moving through life, going too fast for our own good, and holding ourselves back not by the quality of our work but in an attempt to do too many things at once.Asking yourself where your energy has been overspent is an important reflection under the November full moon.
Gemini is a mutable and one of the most social, intelligent, and witty signs of the zodiac; during this time, we can benefit from brainstorming with others but also reconnecting with ourselves and looking at “both sides” of the story.
Allow this full moon to light up your curiosity as you ask yourself some important questions:Full moons are a great time to feel, heal, and integrate what we learn under their bright illumination.