Plans to improve walking and cycling in Manchester have been pulled after residents said the scheme would not make walking and cycling any easier. Manchester council has closed a consultation on the Wythenshawe Active Travel Scheme after receiving hundreds of responses from local residents.
The council had initially proposed creating a continuous route from Chorlton Park to Manchester Airport with links to Wythenshawe Park and the hospital. But the latest proposal for the fund worth £1.5m just featured two bus gates –stretches of road which are only open to buses, black cabs and pedal cycles.
The council ended its consultation on the latest plans earlier than expected and withdrew the proposal after receiving nearly 600 responses in 15 days. In an email to respondents, the council said any future proposals would be shared with local people via the website, social media and local mailings.
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It said: "It is clear that local residents have been keen to comment on the scheme and understandably they want their opinions to be taken on board. The responses have raised concerns that the proposals will not make walking and cycling easier in their local area.
"Given the high number of responses and the feeling that the proposals may need to be reworked, we have decided to withdraw the proposals, end the consultation and end the online event. In the meantime, we will review the proposals for the new walking and cycling routes in Wythenshawe and explore how the Active Travel Fund can be used in the most appropriate way for local residents."
The council had said the scheme would improve and provide new dedicated cycling