Glamour’s or consult the other zodiac signs’ .Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change.
Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between.
Learn more at and follow her on , , and .Nine of Pentacles: There is an opportunity for you to feel either rejected or excited by the opportunity to walk your own path right now.
Instead of fearing the unknown, why not consider diving head first into the chance to explore a new reality? I see you skill building and transforming at the speed of light this month if you choose to say “yes” to this calling.The Nine of Pentacles is a reminder that not everyone in the world will be looking for the secret sauce that you provide, but the ones that do will be looking for you and you only.
You are a diamond in the rough, and this month has the opportunity to prove just how valuable you and your insights truly are.
This is not the month to play small, but it may be a month to tap into your patience and self-worth.Four of Swords: You are gearing up for a busy year ahead, and it seems like the universe is asking you to take a deep breath and reground before all of this new energy floods in.