Glamour’s or consult the other zodiac signs’ .Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change.
Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between.
Learn more at and follow her on , , and .Four of Pentacles: You may be contemplating how far your time, money, or energy can go this month.
Although July is meant to be an energizing moment in time, you might feel like your resources are finite.
If so, take it is a message for you to not only rest, but also to put your belief system to rest in the meantime.
It’s important to budget, set boundaries, and implement healthy limitations—but doing too much restriction can also cause you to feel saddened and down.So try to find time for fun, and start to think about the limitless possibilities that your life is full of.
The more willing you are to pull yourself up, put yourself in healthier environments, and surround yourself with aligned and optimistic people, the more quickly your state of mind will change.
Let July be the month where you start to see the cup as half full…if not completely overflowing.Nine of Pentacles: There is an opportunity for you to feel either rejected or excited by the opportunity to walk your own path right now.